ISLAND Update - June 2024

We have updated our website and newsletters, and are looking forward to seeing some of you at the face to face seminars next week!

ISLAND Update - June 2024

We have had a busy month here in the ISLAND Project. Below are some of our main updates.

Website update

The next time you bring up the ISLAND website you may notice it looks a little different. We have been busily working on it to make sure it is a usable resource containing information relevant to you, our participants.

Some highlight include:

  • The addition of a 'People & Research' page. You can now read about our sub-studies and see summaries of published papers.
  • A 'News & Events' page. This is a searchable resource where you will find all articles from the newsletters. If you want to see articles on a particular topic why not try searching, e.g. heart health.
  • Our new 'Resources' page connects you to organisations related to the 12 modifiable risk factors, healthy ageing, dementia and carer resources.
  • To get back to your dashboard, click the ISLAND Project logo in the top left corner.


As you scroll down the newsletters will notice that they look a little different. The addition of a news page to our website means we are able to shorten the newsletter, using brief summaries and images for each article, so you can click through to read the items that interest you the most!

2024 ISLAND Seminars

Thank you to everyone who has RSVP'd to come to one of our upcoming seminars, the response has been overwhelming! Tickets for Hobart have been exhausted but if you would like to come along to our presentations in Burnie or Launceston next week, there are still a few spots available.