The link between cognitive function and balance

Having a fall, especially when you are over the age of 60, can have serious consequences. Most of us know that balance tends to become worse as we age, but did you know that people with dementia fall at twice the rate compared to other people their age?

The link between cognitive function and balance

To understand the link between cognitive function and falls risk, our new study is investigating balance and stepping in people over the age of 60 with different levels of cognitive function. We are testing how stepping speeds are impacted when decisions about when and where to step are made more challenging. Participants respond as fast as they can to images on a screen by either pressing buttons with their hands or taking steps forward.

While completing these decision tasks, a comfortable cap worn on the head records changes in blood flow which gives us an estimate of how hard different areas of your brain are working. Small sensors placed on your skin tell us when your muscles are working. We also capture the stepping movements with the same high speed, 3D motion capture technology that is used to give animated characters life-like motion in blockbuster films.

This research has only been made possible by previous clients from the ISLAND Clinic generously coming back to give us their time. We are currently contacting more eligible clients from the Clinic to assist us our endeavor. 

You can reach out to Marlee if you have any questions or want to hear more about this research