ISLAND update - July 2024

We have had a busy July! Here you can find a link to our seminar recordings and a summary of some of your dementia risk areas of interest.

ISLAND update - July 2024

In-person engagements

Over the last month we have had the pleasure of meeting many of you at our ISLAND Seminars. Thank you to all who braved the cold evenings to come and engage with the project. We hope you enjoyed the night as much as we did!

For those of you unable to make it, we have uploaded recordings to the website. Each location had different speakers, so even those who attended may like to have a look at the other seminars.

The links to recordings can be found here: 2024 ISLAND Seminar recordings

Recently the ISLAND Team have been busy with talks in the community. As well as the seminars, we have presented at the Royal Society of Tasmania and the Clarence Ladies Probus. We have spoken on ABC local radio and have recorded interviews with Print Radio Tasmania. Hopefully these engagements start some positive conversations around dementia and dementia prevention.

ISLAND belongs to all of us: help make it more about you!

At the recent events we asked for feedback on how we can make the ISLAND project more about you, our participants, and which dementia risk related research themes you are interested in. Some of the main themes from that feedback have been listed below.

  • The impact of retirement
  • Impacts of loneliness and personality on social engagement 
  • Barriers to socialisation - mobility, care homes etc.
  • Impacts of shift work
  • The role of misinformation
  • Food additives
  • Microplastics
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Risk following a stroke
  • Participation in sport

Let us know which topic/s you are interested in. This will help us tailor communications and engagements to your interests and may even help guide our upcoming projects. Click here to vote now!

Many people also noted an interest in areas we are already researching such as sleep quality, self-reported hearing loss, unresolved trauma/stress, mindfulness, and white matter lesions. Hopefully we will have updates for you on these in the future. 

If you filled in a card but can't see your topics above, don't worry, we have heard you! We will try to include information on these topics in future newsletters or social media posts wherever possible.